One thing you will learn about being on the quest for a thriving, energetic life, free from belly bloat, filled with hormonal balance, and giving up resistant weight, is that you will be cooking a lot more. This involves using herbs and spices to season your food, preferably fresh herbs.
With spring just about here, I am so excited to get back into the gardening mode and grow these herbs in my own little backyard plot – which you can grow in your garden during the spring season too!!
Besides culinary uses, herbs have many medicinal uses as well – However, for our purposes here, we will focus on using them to flavor our food.
The first herb you can grow in the spring and use for so many of your meals is parsley. This is really good when you want to make dishes with rich flavors, similar to Italian and Mediterranean dishes. It is also an herb that is relatively easy to grow, so even someone without a lot of experience gardening can grow parsley – yes I have grown it successfully in my backyard!! :)) You will find both flat-leaved and curly-leaved parsley plants, I happen to like the flat-leaf variety, but whatever floats your boat. I add parsley daily into my detox smoothie, so being able to simply run to the garden to get your ingredients is a big bonus!!
Another herb that is great for healthy dishes is cilantro. Cilantro can be grown from the seed or by getting a cilantro plant, since it is a good herb for beginners. If you are going to make salsa to add to your dishes, you definitely want access to some fresh cilantro at home! Cilantro can be started in the spring, even if it is still a little cold where you live. This is a very tolerant herb and can survive in many different climates. Another herb that is a MUST in my garden!
There are so many things you can do with dill, so if you have room in your herb garden, definitely consider adding it. Not only can you use it for dishes like cucumber salad, but it is also good with other vegetable dishes and tastes great with fish and seafood. If you want dill in the spring and summer, you should plant it a few weeks before spring begins as long as you don’t have a bad frost. It does best with full sunlight, so it isn’t the best for indoor herb gardening. Though if it is going indoors, just make sure you keep it by a south or west-facing window.
Who doesn’t love cooking with basil? Here is another Italian herb that goes great with meat, salads, vegetables, and tons of other AIP dishes. Plus, a little basil goes a long way, especially when you are picking it fresh from your own herb garden. This can grow well indoors as long as it is placed near a sunny window, so it is also perfect for container gardening.
Give these delicious herbs a try this spring when you are starting your transformative diet. You simply can’t go wrong!
Been struggling with your hormones or bloating? You think you have been doing all the right things but you just can’t seem to get rid of the baby weight? No worries – truly.
I have the answer and the program you need and have been looking for.
Contact me about my 12-week Signature Program. In this program, I show busy women how to balance hormones and improve their belly bloat so they can give up stubborn weight, take back control, and feel confident & sexy in everything they wear and do! I know this can help you.
It helped me.
Schedule your FREE call today to see how I can support you.
In Thriving Health & Vitality,
Laura #Passionate
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