I’m sure you have heard before to take 100% responsibility for your life. And maybe you are wondering “What is the big deal about it?” Well, the big deal is that it moves you from victim to victor of your life. And wouldn’t you rather play the victor than the victim?
Being the victor puts you at cause and not at effect, meaning that you accept that YOU CREATE YOUR LIFE and not just react to it. You appreciate that things happen FOR YOU and not to you.
So how can one take responsibility and be the victor of their life??
I thought you’d never ask! Here are some simple steps you can take now:
Take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, words and actions.
To take responsibility for your life, is to take responsibility for your powers of thinking, feeling, speaking and acting. Remember you create your life with your thoughts, feelings, words and actions.
No More Blame Game
Stop blaming your spouse, partner, parents, economy, your upbringing, the cat, (etc etc – you get the idea) for your misfortune. Blaming keeps you in victim mode and robs you of changing your situation.
Ask Questions Before You Assume
Refusing to take things personally and not assuming that everything is about you is a biggie. There’s no need to take any form of disagreement as a personal attack.
Make yourself happy
Taking responsibility for your own happiness is freeing. Realize happiness does not come from outside of you but from within. It is no one person’s job to make you happy, only yours.
Try keeping a gratitude journal and you will find lots to be happy about.
Also, do things that make you feel happy. Listen to your favourite music, surround yourself with beauty, express your creativity, do acts of kindness, etc.
Live in the present moment
This is your NOW moment. The past is history, the future is a mystery, so there is only now, this moment. Take responsibility for this moment and make the best of it to redeem the past and create the future you want.
Practice thought catching – choose your thoughts carefully in every moment and when you become present you have the awareness of what you are thinking and feeling. This allows you to catch thoughts that do not serve you so you can change them in the moment to what you want to create in that moment to shape your future.
If you’ve never heard of “thought catching” before, it’s one of the tools I use with my clients to make true change in their thoughts, which leads to some amazing behavior shifts!
Use the power of intention
Replace blaming and complaining with acts of intention – remember you have the power to choose. In fact, you are making choices all the time. Tea or coffee, chicken or fish, hair up or down, yoga or pilates… Even by not making a choice, you are making a choice.
Become intentional in making choices by having a vision in mind. A vision for your life, your business, your relationship, your health, wealth, etc. Living intentionally by deliberately making choices to move you forward toward manifesting your vision or outcomes, is consciously taking responsibility for your life.
I love using the tool “future rehearsing” with my clients to do this! It’s included in my Thrive Body Program and truly sets this program apart from so many other online services.
? There is truly so much we can do to become the victors of our life – when I work with all my clients, we use so many different techniques and tools to truly make life-changing choices which create behaviors and thoughts that move us towards our health and wellness goals. If you are interested in learning more about this, please feel free to contact me here. LOVE working with my clients to create their life of health they so desire and deserve. ?
? Follow me on IG for daily inspiration.
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