You are a busy woman who has suffered from belly bloating for way too long.
You are a working momma whose moods are wonky due to hormone imbalance.
And you know diet is one huge piece of the puzzle you’ve been trying to manage, but…
Are you having a difficult time following a random paleo diet plan for the very first time? Or are you finding it challenging to maintain a healthy diet for a more extended period?
Believe me; you are not alone in this. Eliminating multiple foods that are harming your body and making significant dietary changes can be overwhelming. But if you have a plan … you can succeed!
The following are essential items to plan to have available for you in your daily meal plans.
Kitchen Pantry Essentials
Gelatin or hydrolyzed collagen are basically the same thing and deserve the position of staples in your pantry. Coconut butter, coconut milk, tiger nuts, coconut oil, grain-free flours, dried fruits, “AIP-compliant” spices and dried herbs, natural sweeteners, coffee substitutes and herbal teas are some of my favorite pantry essentials.
Other than food items, you might also like to invest in some quality tools for your kitchen to make food prep easier. A good chef’s knife, safe non-toxic cookware, glass storage containers, a high-speed blender and an Insta-Pot are basic tools every kitchen should have. This year was the year of gadgets in my kitchen – and an Insta – Pot was one of them – EVERYONE (kids included) love using this and how food comes out in it!
Simple and Tasty Recipes
In the paleo diet community, you’ll find hundreds of deliciously creative recipes which are amazingly simple. But instead of recreating your favorite flavors, choose recipes whose ingredients are easily available. You can use Paleo-friendly spices to add flavor to your recipes.
Say NO to Packaged Products
Some “OK” friendly packaged snack products that I have on hand are Epic bars, beef jerky, and plantain chips.
However, these should be occasional indulgences and not staples in your diet.
Nutrients before Treats
Let’s be real, we all love sweet treats. Just remember to keep treats in moderation and focus on nutrient-dense foods. Too many sweets can mess up your hormones and even trigger an autoimmune flare for those suffering from autoimmune (myself included)! So, eat sweets only in moderation.
The Buddy System
A sure-fire way to make things fun and easy is to use the buddy system. Do you have a friend who is interested in improving their health? If so, invite them on your thriving body journey. It’s a lot of fun to get together with a friend and batch cook, make bone broth or even make fat bombs! Having a buddy is also a good way to stay motivated and on track!
If you are truly looking to get a jump start and take the first step the NEW YOU NOW – look no further – my Thrive Body Program is your fully loaded navigation system and first step in creating momentum for the physique and fit life you so desire and deserve-without having to diet! Click here to check it out.
Support is a click away
Support, accountability, a safe place to have your questions answered.. that is what my FREE FB Group Thrive Body Community is all about – come join this safe sisterhood NOW, for women who want to Thrive in their body’s, not simply survive!
I look forward to connecting!
Laura #Passionate
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